Sunday 6 February 2011

Feeling good

Oh steroids you marvellous drugs. It's only been 48 hours since I had the injection and the inflammation is all so much better. Gone? Not quite yet but at this current rate I would expect it to have disappeared within the next couple of days. I'm back to bounding up stairs and am alert in a way that I haven't been in ages.

When an illness develops over time it's quite easy to forget how you used to be. I've always considered myself to not be a morning person but recently I've been really struggling to get up. I just assumed that this was how I was. Now, with the steroids kicking in I'm back to waking up alert in the morning. This has easily taken me back several months.

Unfortunately you just cannot take steroids long term. These are a great diagnostic test for me but I really don't want to end up moon-faced and bloated. It's essentially the steroids that finally killed Shawn Lane as he battled to keep his Psoriatic Arthritis under control. That's not something I'm willing to do.

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