Sunday 3 April 2011

Methotrexate on Monday

One of the biggest factors in the amount of pain and stiffness I have appears to be tiredness. Unfortunately the amount of sleep that I need in order to have significantly reduced pain is too much to be sustainable. In fact, the best plan that I seem to have found at the moment is to have a long sleep on Saturday mornings in order to reset my system.

On Monday I'm hoping to start on methotrexate. This is a pretty big step in my treatment and also initially a bit risky. There is a danger of liver damage and so for the first few weeks you have to have weekly blood tests, my favourite. At least Guy's Hospital has a dedicated nurse for the rheumatology department. I reckon I should be able to make it there and back in my lunch break. There is also a chance that I could be given the proper hardcore drugs fairly soon. Normally they're out of reach of most patients but the advantage of going to Guy's is that they run trials. It's not a trial of the drug but the method of treating. This means that it's pretty much totally safe and puts my further in the queue.

Here's hoping for methotrexate.

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